Collection of succinct data structures.
Fast language model in compressed space.
Fast and lightweight pointwise prediction based tokenizer.
Fast implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm using the compact double-array data structure.
Fast and compact string dictionary using Front-Coding.
Multi-index hashing for neighbor searches on binary codes in the Hamming space.
LZ double-factor factorization.
Fast compressed trie dictionary library.
Memory-efficient dynamic tries.
Online RLBWT compression in optimal-time and BWT-runs bounded space.
Dynamic Filter Trie (DyFT).
b-bit sketch trie for similarity search.
String map through Fast Succinct Trie (FST).
Constexpr double-array trie.
C++11 implementation of KDTW and its Python binding.
Experimental library of approximate trajectory similarity search under Fréchet distance.
Software of 0-bit Consistent Weighted Sampling.
Succinct Rank/Select Data Structures on Trits
Benchmark for dynamic keyword dictionaries.
Compressed double-array tries for static string dictionaries.
Experimental implementation of dynamic double-array dictionaries.
Experimental trie implementation using Bonsai structures.
URI dataset generator from Lehigh University Benchmark
Go implementation of double-array minimal-prefix trie